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    2021-03-30 08:47:28  來源:上海鼎徵儀器儀表設備有限公司

    Fig. 4  Example of open and well drained fixtures for flat test panels (left) and minimum recommended stacking distance of panels (right)
    圖4 適用于平板試樣的開放且排水暢通的夾具(左圖);建議至小板間距(右圖)
    5.1.4 Duration of test:  The number of test cycles shall be determined by the specification covering the component or object being tested. When not specified, the test period shall be agreed by the requester and the corrosion department.
    5.1.4  試驗持續時間:試驗循環次數應由試樣零部件或試樣相關要求決定。如果沒有要求,應由申請試驗的一方和負責研究腐蝕的部門商定試驗周期。
    5.1.5 Control before test start:  Run and monitor the test cycle at least a 24 h period before starting the test, provided not already in continuous operation.
    5.1.5 試驗開始前的控制:假如持續運行尚未開始,在試驗開始之前先運行并監控試驗循環至少24小時。
    5.1.6 Start and end time of test: The test is only allowed to be started just before the first precipitation (Table I Step1A) in the weekly scheme, i.e. at the end of the "weekend" constant temperature/humidity phase. The test is ended at the end of the weekend humidity exposure.
    5.1.6 試驗的啟動時間和結束時間:本試驗只允許在一周計劃中的次噴灑(見表1,步驟1A)之前啟動,即“周末”恒溫恒濕階段結束時。試驗在周末加濕曝露階段結束。
    There are three basic exposure modes in the daily test scheme:
    1. A continuous wet phase at 25± 2°C where the test objects are exposed to a 0.5% NaCl solution. The wet condition is maintained by intermittent spray exposure and with a temperature control without drying, or with the humidity control set high enough to not cause any practical drying.
    1.  25± 2°C持續濕潤階段,在此階段試樣曝露到0.5%的氯化鈉溶液中。通過間歇噴灑曝露和溫度控制(不干燥),或調節濕度控制(足以防止物體干燥),試樣的濕潤狀態得以保持。
    2. A two-step transition from wet to controlled humidity climate.
    2. 從濕潤到受控濕度環境的兩步過渡。
    3. A period under constant temperature/ humidity control; 50 ± 0.6°C and 70 ± 3% RH. This is also the condition during weekend.
    3. 恒溫恒濕控制周期:50 ± 0.6°C70 ± 3% RH。這也是周末的環境狀態。

    Table 1.  Climate program, step by step in automated mode
    表1  環境表,自動模式的各個步驟

    Time elapsed
    Duration of step 步驟持續時間 Climate settings at start of step
    Comments  備注
    no h m h m m T (°C) % RH  
    1a 0 0 0 10* 50* 70* Spray thoroughly 0.5% NaCl to wet and cool   0.5%氯化鈉,濕透且冷卻
    1b 0 10 0 20 30-50 Wet Cool chamber with maximum capacity  
    1a' 0 30 0 3 <30 Wet Spray to regain wetness (cooling dries)
    1c 0 33 2 27 <30 wet (95) 25±2 to be reached within 1 h from start (1a)   
    1a' 3 0 0 3 25±2 wet Secure and support wetness by spraying
    1c' 3 3 2 54 25±2 wet (95) wet (95) = OK to set to 95% RH
    濕度(95= 可以設置到95%RH
    1a' 5 57 0 3 25±2 wet Defines wet condition before climate control  環境控制前明確濕工況
    2a 6 0 0 30 25±2 wet (95) Start of quick temperature rise without drying 開始快速加溫,但不能干燥
    2b 6 30 2 00 40±0.61 wet (95) Start of slow drying by diffusion
    3a 8 30 15 30 50±0.61 70±3 Panels shall be free from visible wetness
    3a 24 00 - - 50±0.61 70±3 End of "workday" procedure
    Repeat steps 1a - 3a another four times  步驟1a-3a再重復4
    3b 120 00 48888 00 50±0.61 70±3 Phase in with weekends in case of manual operations in "workday" procedure
    3b 168 00 - - 50±0.61 70±3
    Repeat steps 1a-3b for required number of weeks 步驟1a-3b重復次數按各周要求

    * Provided proceeding from step 3a or 3b  假如從3a3b開始進行

    Fig. 5 Workday (Mon.-Fri.) test cycle  5 工作日(一至五)試驗循環

    Fig. 6 Complete weekly program.  6 完成每周計劃
    5.2.1 Operations within the wet phase at 25±2°C:  
    5.2.1  25±2°C濕潤階段的操作
    Exposure to 0.50±0.05% NaCl solution shall be performed at least in the beginning, middle and at the end of the 6 h wet phase.  
    In automated mode, the first event may consist of a longer period of spray (1a - up to 10 minutes) in order to cool the samples and the chamber more efficiently from the 50°C, 70% RH condition. If all test operations are performed within the same climate chamber, it is essential to follow-up with efficient cooling after the first spray event, in order to reach a temperature below 30°C within the first 30 minutes of the wet phase (1b). After such cooling, which implies some drying, it is recommended to have another short spray event to assure that the solution on the panels have the stipulated concentration (1a' in Table 1/ Fig. 5)  The final targeted temperature of 25±2°C shall be reached within the first hour.
    在自動模式下,N1次噴灑時間會長一些(1a-10分鐘),以使試樣和試驗箱從0°C, 70% RH的狀態下更有效地冷卻。如果所有試驗操作都是在同一個試驗箱中進行,N1次噴灑后的有效冷卻非常重要,需要在濕潤階段(1b)的頭30分鐘內將溫度降到30°C以下。冷卻過后(意味著一定程度的干燥),建議進行一次短時間噴灑以保證板上的溶液達到規定的濃度(圖5/1中的1aN1個小時內達到*終的目標溫度25±2°C
    In an exposure case where the spray is applied manually into a stay-open chamber, or the samples are moved to another chamber or lab bench for spraying at wet phase exposure, cooling within the stipulated time is usually not a problem. Note that the spraying conditions described in 3.3.1 shall apply. During the remaining time of the wet phase (1c), the samples must not dry significantly. This is accomplished by securing that the temperature control is maintained without significant removal of humidified air. If the wet phase is performed in a trough on a bench or in an unheated chamber, it may be sufficient to just keep the panels in a closed volume between the spray events. In the fully integrated test condition, the climate control can be set to 25°C, 95% RH, which secures against any significant drying, without the risk of supplying humidity, which might occur if the humidity is set to e.g. 99% RH.  The short spray event after approximately 3 h (1a') renews the wet film on the samples and secures against drying. The final spray event (1a') is to assure consistent starting conditions when entering the transition to controlled humidity climate.
    假如是在敞開的試驗箱里進行手動噴灑或者是將試樣轉移到其他試驗箱或試驗臺上進行濕潤階段曝露,在規定時間內冷卻一般不成問題。注意,應當按照第3.3.1段所述的噴灑條件進行。在濕潤階段(1c)剩余的時間里,不能讓試樣干燥。為保證這一點,可以保持溫度而不大幅減少加濕空氣。假如濕潤階段是在試驗臺上的水槽中進行,或者在未加熱的試驗箱中進行,僅僅在噴灑的間歇期間保持密封也許就足夠了。在綜合的試驗條件下,環境控制可以設置成25°C, 95% RH。這樣可以保證試樣不干燥,畢竟當濕度設置為99%RH時加濕可能失效。大約3小時(1a)后,需進行短時間噴灑以加強試樣表面的保濕層,避免干燥。*后的噴灑(1a)是為了在進入控制環境濕度的過渡階段保證初始狀態一致。
    Note 1: The spraying scheme in Table 1 does not have to be literally followed, provided there is a spraying period at the beginning, middle and end of the 6-h wet period and the total amount of precipitation follows paragraph 3.3.1.
    Note 2: Continuous spraying with atomizing salt-fog type nozzles is not an option.
    注意2: 不得使用霧化鹽霧噴頭進行持續噴灑。
    5.2.2 Transition to controlled humidity conditions:  
    5.2.2 過渡到受控濕潤狀態:
    For both fully and partly programmable procedures, ramp up from 25°C and nominally set 95% RH to 40°C, 95% RH during 30 min, which means that wet conditions will prevail (2a). Slowly dry the wet corroding surfaces going from 40°C, and set 95% RH to 50°C, 70% RH for 2 h (2b). At the final controlled climate conditions there shall be no visible wetness on any corroding surface and the actual values must be within the set allowed limits. The reason for this two-step procedure with a quick temperature rise followed by slow drying at comparably high humidity is to favor drying by diffusion rather than drying by convection, since the latter varies considerably between different types of cabinets.  Such variability is likely to have considerable impact on the test result.
    對于完全或部分可編制的程序,30分鐘內從25°C,讀數為95%RH,加溫到40°C, 95% RH,意味著濕潤狀態會占上風(2a)。2小時內(2b)將濕潤腐蝕的從40°C95%RH,干燥到50°C, 70% RH。在*終控制的環境狀態下,腐蝕表面不應再有水跡,而且實際數值必須在允許范圍內。采取兩步操作,即快速升溫然后在相對較高的濕度下緩慢干燥,是因為在于擴散干燥比對流干燥好,后者在不同的試驗箱里差別很大。這種差別有可能嚴重影響試驗結果。
    Note 3: The transitions 1b and 2a/b are essential to insure consistent test quality at the actual chamber specimen load. If the chamber humidity sensor is not positioned close to the samples, independent monitoring in the sample test plane should be accomplished according to section 3.1
    注意3: 1b和2a/b的過渡對于保證試驗質量的一致性是必不可少的。如果試驗箱內的濕度傳感器并不靠近試樣,根據3.1章節所述,應在試樣測試平面上配備獨立監控。
    5.2.3 Constant climate conditions of 50°±0.6°C, 70±3% RH will prevail until a 24 h cycle is fulfilled, i.e. for 15.5 h. (3a) These constant exposure conditions are prolonged during "weekends", i.e. the last 48 h of the week cycle (3b) after finalizing the 5th "workday" cycle.
    5.2.3  恒定狀態50°±0.6°C, 70±3% RH將持續至24小時循環完成,即持續15.5小時(3a),而在“周末”計劃中將持續更長時間:即完成第5個“工作日”循環后,周循環(3b)持續48小時。
    5.3.1 Storage: For corroded samples of steel base or aluminum it is important to evaluate the samples no more than a week after finished test, if kept in ambient conditions. Otherwise test specimen should be kept in desiccators.
    5.3 曝露后
    5.3.1 保存:對于鐵制或鋁制腐蝕試樣,如果保存在一般環境中,應在試驗完成一周內進行對試樣進行評估,否則應將試樣保存在干燥器中。
    5.4.1 Workday control:
    Check that the monitored temperature and humidity values are in accordance with set values.
    5.4    質量控制
    5.4.1 工作日控制:
    5.4.2 Weekly control:
    Check that the spray nozzles deliver the intended uniform spray pattern and that the spray rig works properly.
    Check that the salt solution is within 0.50 + 0.05 % by wt. of NaCl solution, most conveniently with a conductivity meter (8.2 mS/cm). Use a reference standard solution. With the stipulated water quality (paragraph 2.2) pH is not subjected to control.
    Check storage tanks and other supply sources.
    5.4.2 周控制:
    通過稱量氯化鈉溶液,檢查確認鹽溶液在0.50 + 0.05 %范圍內,便捷的方法是使用電導儀(8.2 mS/cm)。使用參考標準溶液,規定的水質(見第2.2段)PH不受控制。
    5.4.3 Bimonthly control:
    Monitor the climate with an independent control device (paragraph 2.5) during test operation by placing the device in the chamber test plane just after the last spray of a wet phase and remove it before the first spray of the next wet event.
    5.4.3  兩月一次的控制:
    5.4.4 Annual calibration:
    Clean and service the complete equipment
    Monitor the climate with an independent control device at the three different settings given in paragraph 3.1.
    Check that the salt solution spray downfall is within specification. See Attachment 10.1
    5.4.4 年度校正:
    5.5.1 Deviations, general:  Any deviation during the test shall be recorded and its consequence on the test result shall be discussed with the test requester.
    5.5    處理誤差
    5.5.1 一般誤差:
    5.5.2 Test interruption:  In case of a temporary chamber failure, an intended holiday stop or at annual service of the equipment:  Store the test samples at room temperature (18-28°C) at 50-60% RH. for at most a week. This storage conditions will keep established corrosion cells at minimum activity without irreversibly quenching the corrosion activity, which may result from dry storage.
    5.5.2 試驗中斷:
    由于試驗箱臨時故障、節假日停機或對設備進行年度維修而中斷試驗:將試樣儲存在室溫(18-28°C),相對濕度50-60% RH的環境下,*多一周。在這種儲存條件下,已經生成的腐蝕細胞的活性可以控制在至水平,而不會產生由于干燥儲存形成的對腐蝕活性的不可逆抑制。
    6.0 Acceptance Criteria
    6.1 Acceptance Criteria is determined by the Corrosion Engineering Department of Ford Motor Company.
    6.0 接收標準
    6.1 接收標準由福特汽車公司腐蝕工程部決定。
    7.0 presentation of data
    7.1 Present all pertinent information agreed upon with requester.  This may include number of cycles completed, pictures taken, special sample preparation, or positioning of the samples.
    7.0 呈送數據
    7.1 呈送與試驗申請方商定的所有相關數據,包括完成的循環次數、照片特殊試樣準備或試樣位置。
